
File explorer running slow windows 10
File explorer running slow windows 10

file explorer running slow windows 10 file explorer running slow windows 10

Even through it’s the newest version, Windows 10 search can stop working sometimes too. The issue is probably going to be very similar across the board no matter what version of Windows you are using. Why then, does the Windows Search slow down for some? This is why searches can be done so quickly on a PC. When you type in your search terms, it will go to the database, instead of making real time search through your computer. It indexes all of the files and locations you have chosen, and subsequently stores them in a database. Any suggestion would help me, and maybe somebody else who has this problem (since I heard a lit of people were also frustrated with this, some even switched to Apple PCs).The function that powers most Windows searches is the Windows Search Indexer. I do have a Terrabyte disk drive plugged into my pc but I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

file explorer running slow windows 10

I count "safe things" as Steam games, Ubisoft games, etc. Please help or I might have to delete everything that isn't for sure safe. I looked on the Windows Forum because other people were having this issue, but none of those worked. I never download suspicious files, but if I do download files from a website I always check that it is safe. It takes up to maybe 8 minutes or more to open a folder. Also, even opening files is really, really, really very slow. That even happens on the desktop when I right click in an empty space sometimes it says "desktop is not responding - end process or wait for it to respond" but most of the time I just have to soam left-click to reset it. Sometimes, when I right click to create a new folder or edit another folder it stops responding. I got a new HP Gaming desktop for Christmas and file explorer worked fine for a few months, but it eventually started getting slower and slower.

File explorer running slow windows 10